BJH Advisors Visits Hatch Life Sciences in Long Island City

The BJH team visited a new life sciences facility at Hatch Life Sciences in Long Island City. Developed by Longfellow Real Estate Partners, this former parachute manufacturing center is being repositioned to feature multiple floors of office and state-of-the-art lab space that will allow life sciences companies to push their innovations to new heights. BJH Advisors is honored to have assisted Longfellow on its applications to the Industrial and Commercial Abatement Program (ICAP) and the New York City Industrial Development Agency (NYCIDA) for this project. The building is located in a vibrant mixed-use neighborhood, offering a unique advantage with its close proximity to various amenities including Court Square Subway Station, fitness, pet-care, restaurants, and MoMA PS1. The construction is expected to be completed by the end of Summer 2023. Once completed, the project will add 215,000 SF of life sciences space to the NYC market.


Civic Hall @ Union Square is now open to the public!


BJH Advisors will be completing a Community Impact Assessment on the Proposed Arena on East Market Street in Philadelphia